P?@`8?raw H.261h261 demuxer ?s`) d7raw H.263h263 demuxer?s`) d7raw H.264 videoh26l,h264,264,avch264 demuxer20s`) d7%d, %10ld, %10ld, %8ld, %8d, #format: frame checksums #version: %d #hash: %s #extradata %d, %31d, Hash testingframehashPer-frame hash testingframemd5Per-frame MD5 testingMD5 encoder classframe hash encoder classset hash to usesha256format_versionfile format version#stream#, dts, pts, duration, size, hash |1s?d7d1s`4d7v1s?d7v1s`4d7)1?????@)1?J1???@%s/stream%d.abst%s/stream%d.abst.tmp%s/stream%dSeg1-Frag%d%s/index.f4m%s/index.f4m.tmp %s recorded %s %f %s %s/stream%d_temphdsHDS MuxerHDS muxermin_frag_durationfailed to rename file %s to %s streaming Failed to create directory %s Unsupported stream type in stream %d No video stream in output stream %d and no min frag duration set number of fragments kept in the manifestnumber of fragments kept outside of the manifest before removing from diskminimum fragment duration (in microseconds)remove all fragments when finished6s 9d7???A?8 ?A&6`8?A;??LOOB??`?`?`?`?`?`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`@2`?`?`?`r;s`) d7hevcraw HEVC videohevc,h265,265hevc demuxerA HLS playlist item '%s' referred to an external file '%s'. Opening this file was forbidden for security reasons HLS request for url '%s', offset %ld, playlist %d SAMPLE-AES encryption is not supported yet Unable to seek to offset %ld of HLS segment '%s' public.accessibility.describes-music-and-soundpublic.accessibility.describes-videoNow receiving playlist %d, segment %d No longer receiving playlist %d Could not read complete segment. Too large HLS ID3 tag (%d > %ld bytes) Stripped additional %d HLS ID3 bytes Invalid HLS ID3 audio timestamp %ld Changing ID3 metadata in HLS audio elementary streamskipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlists Failed to open an initialization section in playlist %d Downloading an initialization section of size %ld Failed to open segment of playlist %d Error when loading first segment '%s' No expected HTTP requests have been made segment index to start live streams at (negative values are from the end)URI=BYTERANGE=TYPE=GROUP-ID=ASSOC-LANGUAGE=NAME=DEFAULT=FORCED=CHARACTERISTICS=METHOD=IV=BANDWIDTH=AUDIO=VIDEO=SUBTITLES=#EXTM3U#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:cookiesuser-agenthttp_proxyend_offsetUnable to read key file %s Unable to open key file %s crypto+%scrypto:%s#EXT-X-KEY:AES-128SAMPLE-AES#EXT-X-MEDIA:AUDIOVIDEO#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENTVOD#EXT-X-MAP:#EXT-X-ENDLIST#EXTINF:#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:#Stripped %d HLS ID3 bytes PRIVHLS ID3 audio timestamp %ld APIClibavformat/hls.c!pls->id3_deferred_extraFailed to reload playlist %d Empty playlist variant_bitratehls,applehttpApple HTTP Live Streaminguser_agentlive_start_indexcom.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestampBsCd7GBH?D??Adeleting old segment %s #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:%d #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:%s #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:%ld #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY ,IV=0x%s#EXTINF:%ld, #EXTINF:%f, #EXT-X-BYTERANGE:%li@%li #EXT-X-ENDLIST error opening key file %s error reading key file %s encryption_key%032lxencryption_ivmpegts_flagssdt_periodpat_periodwebvtt%d.ts-%s.ts%d.vtt_vtt.m3u8hlshls muxerhls_timeset segment length in secondshls_list_sizehls_ts_optionshls_vtt_optionshls_wraphls_allow_cachehls_base_urlhls_segment_filenamehls_key_info_filehls_subtitle_pathset path of hls subtitleshls_flagsdelete_segmentsround_durationsdiscont_startomit_endlistuse_localtimeuse_localtime_mkdirhls_playlist_typeset the HLS playlist typepl_typeEVENT playlistvodVOD playlistset the HTTP methodfailed to delete old segment %s: %s Cannot use rename on non file protocol, this may lead to races and temporarly partial files #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI="%s"Could not get segment filename with use_localtime Could not create directory %s with use_localtime_mkdir Invalid segment filename template '%s' you can try use -use_localtime 1 with it Invalid segment filename template '%s' error opening key info file %s no key URI specified in key info file no key file specified in key info file Could not parse format options list '%s' More than a single video stream present, expect issues decoding it. Some of provided format options in '%s' are not recognized set first number in the sequenceset maximum number of playlist entriesset hls mpegts list of options for the container format used for hlsset hls vtt list of options for the container format used for hlsset number after which the index wrapsexplicitly set whether the client MAY (1) or MUST NOT (0) cache media segmentsurl to prepend to each playlist entryfilename template for segment filesfile with key URI and key file pathset flags affecting HLS playlist and media file generationgenerate a single media file indexed with byte rangesdelete segment files that are no longer part of the playlistround durations in m3u8 to whole numbersstart the playlist with a discontinuity tagDo not append an endlist when ending streamset filename expansion with strftime at segment creationcreate last directory component in strftime-generated filenameAEsMd7?ICKETE@@?GrEID?AEJ?EHJ?EJH?AEJh?AEK?E0KXEXKEE?FKL?A_?d?K?A_?"FK?A_?2F8L?A_?BFhL?A_?PFL?A_?]FL`LOOB?kFMdLOOB?FFP@Fl>F?AFFF?AFFF` invalid chunk size: %u, offset: %ld unknown chunk found: %u, offset: %ld invalid resolution: %ux%u hnmCryo HNM v4Microsoft Windows ICOICO already contains %d images BMP must be 1bit, 4bit, 8bit, 16bit, 24bit, or 32bit PNG in ico requires pixel format to be rgba Unsupported dimensions %dx%d (dimensions cannot exceed 256x256) Invalid BMP Output is not seekable Unsupported codec %s image/vnd.microsoft.iconError opening memory stream Incorrect BOM value Unknown encoding TCONTCOTXXXTXXFailed to alloc %zu bytes Failed to alloc %d bytes GEOBencrypted and compressedencryptedSkipping %s ID3v2 frame %s. USLTFailed to alloc %ld bytes Failed to uncompress tag: %d lyrics-%s%s%sextended header too long.TYERTYETDATTDA-%.2s-%.2sTIM %.2s:%.2sTALBTCOMTCOPTENCencoded_byTIT2TLANTPE1TPE2TPE3TPOSdiscTPUBTRCKTSSETCMPcompilationTDRCTDRLTDENTSOAalbum-sortTSOPartist-sortTSOTtitle-sortOther32x32 pixels 'file icon'Other file iconCover (front)Cover (back)Leaflet pageMedia (e.g. label side of CD)Artist/performerConductorBand/OrchestraLyricist/text writerRecording LocationDuring recordingDuring performanceMovie/video screen captureA bright coloured fishIllustrationBand/artist logotypePublisher/Studio logotypeGEOCHAPTCPTT2TENTP1TP2TP3Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame %s, skipped No AVFormatContext, skipped ID3 chapter data Unknown attached picture mimetype: %s, skipping. Unknown attached picture type %d. Error decoding attached picture description. Error reading GEOB frame, data truncated. id3v2 ver:%d flags:%02X len:%d invalid extended header lengthInvalid empty frame %s, skipping. Compresssed frame %s tlen=%d dlen=%ld Failed to read compressed tag Error reading lyrics, skipped invalid frame id, assuming padding ID3v2.%d tag skipped, cannot handle %s Lead artist/lead performer/soloistVg?V~?Ut?V?bVVV VcV0?VU?WWW WWW_!Wŕ+=V[? 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'%c%c%c%c' compression is not supported compression %d and bit depth %dUnknown SVX8 compression method '%d' st->codecpar->extradata_size >= 41d2dJd]dldzddfffXDSD XDST SLFTSRGTMLFTMRGTC LS RS MLFTMRGTC LFE LS RS Unsupported number of streams Unrecognized iLBC file header Unsupported codec Unsupported mode ilbciLBC storageaudio/iLBC#!iLBC30 #!iLBC20 jpsljpgjlsmngppmpnmpgmpgmyuvpbmpamddsmpg1-imgmpg2-imgmpg4-imgffv1-imgtifsgiptxpctpictsunim1im8im24im32sunrasj2cjpcj2kdpxexryuv10xbmxfacexwdyggt*  g g>XV>A>g?g?gAgBg@gCg?Xl?ggg g"gIٿ#O ?^T?a^?agfgign:?;m;g;hohoho*?o hohohohohY#hY?Y'hY+h?/h?3h?m~7h?i??=h Ah?Ghalias_pixAlias/Wavefront PIX imagealias_pix demuxerkstd7brender_pixBRender PIX imagebrender_pix demuxernlstd7SDPXXPDSCould not open file : %s No such pixel format: %s. %*?[]{}\*?[]{}set the video frameratepattern_typeset pattern typeglob_sequenceglobselect glob pattern typeselect sequence pattern typedisable pattern matchingset video pixel formatstart_number_rangeforce frame size in bytests_from_filets_typenano second precisionpiped image2 sequencebmp_pipepiped bmp sequencedds_pipepiped dds sequencedpx_pipepiped dpx sequenceexr_pipepiped exr sequencej2k_pipepiped j2k sequencejpeg_pipepiped jpeg sequencejpegls_pipepiped jpegls sequencepam_pipepiped pam sequencepbm_pipepiped pbm sequencepcx_pipepiped pcx sequencepgm_pipepiped pgm sequencepgmyuv_pipepiped pgmyuv sequencepictor_pipepiped pictor sequencepng_pipepiped png sequenceppm_pipepiped ppm sequenceqdraw_pipepiped qdraw sequencesgi_pipepiped sgi sequencesunrast_pipepiped sunrast sequencetiff_pipepiped tiff sequencewebp_pipepiped webp sequenceimage2 demuxerimage2pipe demuxerbmp demuxerdds demuxerdpx demuxerexr demuxerj2k demuxerjpegls demuxerpam demuxerpbm demuxerpcx demuxerpgm demuxerpgmyuv demuxerpictor demuxerpng demuxerppm demuxerqdraw demuxersgi demuxersunrast demuxertiff demuxerwebp demuxer````4````4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4```x`4`4`4`4`4`````````````````````````````````4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4`4```mm_m@TARV?I?Av?HLOOB?wmmL?Awmm?Awmmm?Awmsnm?AwmPHm?Awmvm0?I??An???A}ve/8EZIS!n??A;n??@HnPHPH@Hn?Un@Hn9?Pn@Hn????@` `??`?pstd7pstd7pstd7pstd7 qstd7qstd7"qstd7y* std7.qstd7=qstd7Iqstd7Uqstd7aqstd7mqstd7|qstd7sset Photoshop curves file name')(*LLM0MXMIIMII J!JM)JAJKJ^|M0|M^IsQd7xJbJ$@JPH?AJJ?AJJ?AJJ?AJJ?AJJ?AJJ?AJJ?AJ?AJJ ?AJJ ?AJKK(: K(?&KG,&KAKHAK?^K ?^K !M0zKN8?04X datascopeVideo data analysis.set output sizeset x offsetset y offsetset scope modecolor2draw column/row numbers^MM^pMnWsYd7?CWEZISt/WEZISt/IW?AIW?A"W@"y!"/|"W"WLOOB?Overlap value can not except %d with a block size of %dx%d The last %d horizontal pixels won't be denoised The last %d vertical pixels won't be denoised threads: [max=%d hmax=%d user=%d] => %d set number of block overlapping pixelsset coefficient factor expressionset the block size, expressed in bitslibavfilter/vf_dctdnoiz.cdctdnoizDenoise frames using 2D DCT.sigmaset noise sigma constantef="http://www.caiguu.com/" target="_blank" title="ƹ">Caiguu.com All Rights Reserved
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